Facebook Answers to your questions on seniors' residences (FAQ) | Bonjour Residences

Answers to your questions on seniors' residences (FAQ)

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9 min
FAQ retirement homes

When it comes to choose a retirement home for yourself or a loved one, several questions arise. To help you see clearly, we have listed the main questions related to the selection of a residence for seniors.

Frequently asked questions about Bonjour Résidences

1. What is Bonjour Résidences doing and how can you help me?

Bonjour Résidences is a web platform that lists all private residences for seniors in Quebec. In addition to its complete directory, Bonjour Résidences offers phone and email support for those who would like to obtain help in their research, free of charge. To get started, you can complete an online accommodation request or contact us at 1-844-918-1020.

2. I would like to get help finding a senior living, are your services really free?

Yes, from the beginning to the end! Our fees are covered by the network of private seniors’ residences. Thus, you benefit from the free support service (and without obligation) and the residences can reduce their vacancy rate.

Why do residences pay us? Because as rental property manager, the residences sign leases with their residents. Frequently, their elderly clients have to move suddenly, or before the end of the lease. Thus, in order to limit vacant accommodation and the loss of rental income, residences use our referencing services and make sure to keep their vacancy rate as low as possible.

3. How does your service work?

It’s simple, our service is divided into 3 easy steps:

  1. Fill out an online accommodation request free of charge and without obligation, or call us at 1-844-918-1020. Once the request is submitted, a qualified Bonjour Résidences senior housing specialist will assess your needs. The senior housing specialist searches our database and sends your summary profile to the selected residences.
  2. Quickly receive service offers from available residences and visit the ones you like. Your senior housing specialist can restart the search for you at any time if your needs change.
  3. We are with you until the end of the process, always available to ensure your satisfaction and answer your questions.

4. Do I absolutely need to meet with a rental advisor to find a residence?

Not at all. In fact, at Bonjour Résidences, our senior housing specialists offer support by phone and email at any time. No meeting at your home, or scheduling an appointment. You will be followed by a competent member of our customer service to listen to your needs and help you find the best residence for you.

5. What questions will be asked?

There are more than 2,000 residences in Quebec. That means hundreds of residences in each region! In order to offer you residences adapted to your needs, your agent will ask you questions about the following:

  • Level of autonomy
  • Required services (leisure, apartment size)
  • Meal plan desired (all inclusive, à la carte meal)
  • Needs for assistance with daily life (hygiene, dressing)
  • Cognitive impairment (alzheimer’s, dementia, wandering)
  • Known special health conditions (diabetes, oxygen)
  • Budget discussions
  • Desired location

No health record is necessary to use our free service. Family members or caregivers are usually able to answer all questions without knowing the complete medical record of the person to be accommodated.

Have doubts about certain details?

It does not matter, our senior housing specialists will help you. Contact us at 1-844-918-1020.

6. I need help finding a senior home quickly, can you help me?

Yes, it’s our specialty! With our large database, we know the offers and availability of residences throughout Quebec province. Some of our clients were able to sign a lease in just a few hours thanks to our free Urgent Placement service.

7. How to write a review on a seniors’ residence?

Nothing’s easier. Click on write a review in the navigation panel. Choose the residence you wish to evaluate from the drop-down list. Give it a general rating ranging from 1 star to 5 stars out of 5 stars and describe your experience as a visitor, professional, resident or other. Your opinion will then be published on the retirement home page within 24 hours of writing it. It is also possible to write your review anonymously by selecting the box “I would like my review to be published anonymously” at the bottom of the form.

Frequently asked questions about finding a place in accommodation for seniors

1. How much does life in residence cost?

First of all, it should be noted that costs vary greatly from one residence to another. Avoid immediately comparing at first glance, or you will be discouraged. The prices in residence are based on 3 important components:

  • The accommodation itself (apartment, bedroom, parking space, etc.)
  • Services included (meals, leisure, common areas, etc.)
  • The number of care hours required

It is very difficult for customers to quickly compare the prices of one residence with another. To get there, you have to separate what is included in the prices. Our team of experts can quickly help you demystify these prices to help you with your research.

See our Residence Costs page for more details. In addition, the article What is the true cost of seniors home support?, will give you a comparison of the costs of home support vs private retirement home.

2. What do you mean by “hours of care”? My father doesn’t need care, he needs help.

Hours of care mean the time an employee provides personal service to the client. It can be medical care, but also support or cognitive stimulation. For example, Ms. Huguette may need 1.5 hours of care per day, distributed as follows:

  • 15 minutes for dressing aid in the morning
  • 30 minutes for bathing assistance
  • 15-30 minutes of meal supervision
  • 15 minutes for bedtime assistance

Thus, Ms. Huguette does not require “medical care” but rather support and supervision during her day. It is therefore part of the hours of care required.

3. Are there tax credits for residence fees?

Several benefits are offered to seniors. To properly plan your budget when looking for a place in residence, you can check the various benefits and eligibility criteria. Don’t forget to print your Old Age Security Pension payment schedule!

4. Why live in residence?

The benefits of living in a residence are numerous, discover them by going to our page Benefits of moving to a residence, you can read many articles on this subject.

5. My state of health has changed and I have to be relocated, can I end my lease?

The law provides that seniors can end their lease without their landlord being able to oppose it, if they have to leave their accommodation because of their state of health. Like any other contract, you cannot end a lease anytime.

For for more information, consult the Régie du logement du Québec.

6. ISO-SMAF profiles … what is it?

It is a profile that is assigned to a patient following an assessment of their abilities to perform the tasks of daily living. The Iso-SMAF evaluation is carried out by a health professional and is used in the public health network in Quebec. Also, seniors’ residences are familiar with this classification and use it to facilitate the identification of the number of hours of care and the amount of staff required to meet the needs of their clientele. Here is an overview of the 14 different profiles:

  • Profiles 1,2,3: the resident can no longer perform household tasks, except with difficulty.
  • Profiles 4,6,9: the resident has predominant motor impairment.
  • Profiles 5,7,8: the resident has mental health problems and cognitive deficits.
  • Profile 10: the resident has behavioral problems.
  • Profiles 11 and 12: the resident needs mobility assistance.
  • Profiles 13 and 14: the resident is dependent on all activities of daily life, often in bed and uses a geriatric chair.

7. I am on the waiting list for a place in CHSLD or RI to the public, is it possible to find a transitional residence?

Absolutely! As the wait can be up to 24 months, it is normal to seek a temporary solution to fill this period. Several non-contractual private residences and CHSLDs offer short stays or so-called transitional accommodation while waiting for your place in the public. We have lots of options for you, now fill out an accommodation request.

8. Does the search for a private residence remove me from the waiting list of the public network?

Not at all. This does not affect in any way the process for the public.

9. Do I have to go through the hospital to be admitted to a CHSLD?

To be admitted to a CHSLD, you must make an admission request to your CLSC. The request will then be submitted to the accommodation access mechanism (MAH). The law provides for a maximum of 24 months of waiting before being admitted.

If you do not want to wait, you can turn to private resources that offer equivalent care, and there is no need to go through the CLSC. Several options are available to you in private residences or in not funded private CHSLDs.

10. What is the difference between private residences and the public network?

Public residences are managed by the Health and Social Services departments. For admissions and requests, you must contact your CLSC to meet with a social worker who will assess your situation with you and offer you an environment that meets your needs. However, public residences often have long waiting lists.

As for private residences, they are managed by private owners or companies. In Quebec, to operate a private seniors’ residence, you must hold a certification issued by the Minister of Health and Social Services which confirms compliance with standards and regulations. This certification is a guarantee of quality based on several criteria. Private residences often have several places available and can make you benefit from the tax credit for home support.

11. What is the cost of accommodation in a CHSLD?

The cost of living in a CHSLD depends on several factors, such as the type of establishment, your income, your property and your family situation. If you obtain a place in an approved public or private CHSLD, the fees cannot exceed the amount set by the government. If you live in a private CHSLD, the rents are different from one place to another. See our article on the cost of accommodation in a CHSLD for more information.

12. I am a caregiver and I would like to have a break for a weekend. What can I do?

Many residences offer respite services for caregivers, that is, they have rooms available for the elderly for a short stay. Several residences also offer convalescent care, following an operation or medical intervention. For example, following a hospitalization, it is possible to take advantage of a safe place to rest and recover. Packages are often available and very advantageous: 3 meals/day, laundry service, care, etc. To find out more about short stays and convalescence, see our article titled All about temporary accommodation (short stays)!

13. Thinking of moving to a retirement home?

Moving to a retirement home is a big step in your life. In order for the process to go smoothly, you need to know how to plan your move and, above all, not rush anything. Discover the most efficient way to move in 6 steps. For help with your search, fill out an online accommodation request.

14. What is an intermediate resource?

Accommodation resources qualified as “intermediaries” or IRs were created to provide an environment as close as possible to a natural living environment, while allowing seniors to receive the necessary services and assistance. They are particularly suitable for the elderly and retirees who have a slight or medium loss of autonomy.

An intermediate resource is made up of at least one person who acts as an intermediary between a public establishment and users. These establishments can be supervised apartments, rooming houses, reception houses or group residences. For more information, consult this page of the Régie de l’assurance maladie website and read our article on types of accommodation.

15. What is a housing cooperative?

A housing cooperative is a non-profit organization whose objective is to facilitate its members’ access to a house or accommodation. The group of residents operates in a community management mode in order to provide an affordable and quality living environment. Several advantages derive from the cooperative model, such as the possibility of taking part in decisions and getting involved in one’s community.

For more informations read our article on types of accommodation.

16. What is the difference between residences for non-autonomous, semi-autonomous and autonomous?

The difference is in the type of services and care that are offered. Independent seniors are able to prepare their meals, do their shopping and take care of their personal care. They do not need medical services on a regular basis. This clientele may reside in a housing cooperative, a housing NPO or a private seniors’ residence.

People with a slight or average loss of autonomy will turn to intermediary resources, because they offer them up to 3 hours of service and assistance per day.

People with significant loss of autonomy will benefit from living in a CHSLD.

Read our article on types of accommodation to find out which type of accommodation is best suited to each level of autonomy.

17. Who are the caregivers?

Discover the Portrait of family caregivers in Canada by reading our article family caregivers or retirement home? Caregivers also called family caregivers are people who provide care, over one or more years, to a family member or friend with a chronic health condition, such as Alzheimer’s, a disability or problems related to aging.

Care is provided in order to allow this person to remain in his house and maintain his independence as long as possible, thus delaying the introduction of the retirement home.

Other questions

If you have any further questions, please contact us at 1-844-918-1020.

For help with your research, please fill out a free accommodation request.

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