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Discover Humanitae: a new approach to Alzheimer's

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Humanitae: the new retirement home for seniors in cognitive loss


Discover the Humanitae residence of the Heritage Group, this new residence of 170 units specially adapted for a clientele with memory loss.

Did you know ? You can find all the possibilities of accommodation for seniors with loss of cognitive autonomy, thanks to our Bonjour Résidences directory.


What sets Humanitae Residence apart

Humanitae offers a stimulating living environment for residents suffering from cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, which adapts to everyone's needs. They have twelve living spaces (prosthetic units) divided into "households". In each household, it is possible to accommodate from 12 to 15 people. The residents all have a private room (with private bathroom) and access to common areas in the house, including a lounge with an atrium, a dining room with fireplace, and 36 thematic rooms.


Humanitae living room


These households make the residence quite unique, since the workshops offered allows to recreate memories. This idea comes from François Audet, founder of Humanitae, who has allied with Dr. Philippe Voyer, a researcher at the Centre d’excellence sur le vieillissement de Québec (CEVQ) and the CHU of Quebec City. Dr. Voyer traveled across several countries, from the Netherlands to Italy, to learn from best practices. Examples of themes include travel, music, nursery, workshops / crafts / art, garage with vintage cars, pet park, laundry room, and more. A partnership with local organizations will also be created to organize thematic activities (choir, pet therapy, volunteering, etc.).


Humanitae dinning room


According to Humanitae, studies speak for themselves: the evolution of the disease for people with Alzheimer's is directly related to their level of activity. Regular stimulation slows the progression while under-stimulation accelerates it.

Humanitae: conceived on fundamental principles

The approach of the Humanitae retirement home is based on the most recent scientific research, it is based on fundamental principles such as:

  • Socialization
  • Personalize
  • Promote residual memory
  • Encourage family presence


To promote socialization, several speakers are brought in to exchange and share. Volunteers lead activities such as running the general store, serving at the piano bar, caring for animals, organizing arts projects, etc.


The resident can really feel at home, since it is possible to personalize their living environment according to their needs. For example, he can decorate his private room, choose his activities and help carry out tasks required in the establishment if he so desires.


To promote impregnated memory, that is to say, pleasant memories, residents can participate in 36 thematic rooms, as explained above.


The family presence is very important, that's why, several structures have been put in place. For example, a private family room on each floor at the disposal of families to enjoy a nice family meal or celebrate a loved one's birthday. Children's rooms, playrooms and indoor / outdoor activity areas are also available to promote intergenerational bonds.


Innovation & security

The retirement home is always on the lookout for innovations. There have acoustic and heat detectors that identify where the movements come from (mainly at night), which allows to intervene more quickly when needed. In addition, each household has a high ratio of caregivers who accompany residents on a daily basis in their living environment as well as in their occupational activities.


Quality care

Residents receive personalized services for their needs, including: regular visits by doctors, short and long-term accommodation for convalescence, collaboration with family physicians and the CIUSSS, nurse on site 24/7, etc.


As for meals, they are served in the dining room of each household, reproducing the usual rhythm of a house. A resident wants to help set the table? Absolutely! Participation in the daily tasks of life is always strongly encouraged to maintain functional and social skills. The menus are varied, balanced and meet Canada's Food Guide. Here are some examples of menus: steak, potatoes and broccoli, sweet and sour pork bites, small pies on a stick, quiche tortilla. The staff respects everyone's rhythm, the resident can eat at his speed and when he wishes. If needed, a food aid service is offered.


You want more information ?

To obtain more information on this retirement home, we invite you to consult the complete online profile here.

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