Facebook Humanitæ | Retirement home in Québec | Groupe Patrimoine


Retirement home in Neufchatel-Est/Lebourgneuf, Québec by Groupe Patrimoine

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR) - High-end

A stimulating environment adapted to individual needs !

The retirement home Humanitae of the Heritage Group, which has 170 units (separated in “houses” of 12 to 15 residents each), is located in Quebec City and is adapted for residents suffering from memory loss. This seniors' residence offers a continuum of services to people suffering from cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, according to the evolution of their symptoms as well as the needs of parents and caregivers. The complex is divided into 12 prosthetic units according to the severity of the cognitive disorders.

This is a unique residential environment, since residents have access to a program of daily occupational activities adapted to their condition. At Humanitae, 36 theme rooms were created to recreate memories: travel, music, children's room, workshops / DIY / art, laundry room, garage with old car, etc. In addition, residents can help perform tasks, for example, a gentleman who likes to fix things can do it in Humanitae, since he is at home. The residence is on the lookout for innovations, there are acoustic and heat detectors, which identify where the movements come from (mainly at night), allow to intervene more quickly when needed.The menu is balanced and follows the recommendations of Canada's Food Guide. For example, steak, potatoes and broccoli, sweet and sour pork bites, small stick pie, quiche tortilla, etc.

Residence highlights
Indoor garden
Chef cuisinier
Billiard room
  • Short term stay
  • Nursing homes
  • Continuum of care
  • Alzheimer's and Cognitive Losses

Residence units

Total capacity
170 personnes
Number of Units
170 unités RPA
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet

Unit photos


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet

Unit photos


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Travel assistance
  • Personal assistance
  • 1 shower / bath per week
  • Medication administration
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Travel assistance
  • Personal assistance
  • 1 shower / bath per week
  • Medication administration
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet

Unit photos

General information

Bedroom with private bathroom


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • 2 snacks
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
  • Furnished
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
Type of accommodation
Private room
275 square feet


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Collations à volonté
  • Shower
  • Private
Washer / dryer
  • Upstairs laundry room
  • Air conditioning in the unit
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Personal assistance
  • Medication management
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week

Recreational Activities

  • Leasure available
  • Vegetable garden
  • Sewing workshop
  • Game area
  • Bean Bag Toss
  • Card games
  • Choral
  • Library
  • Piano
  • Billiard room
  • Carpentry and Woodworking Workshop
  • Private reception room
  • Multifunctional leisure room
  • Adapted Activities Program
  • Board games
  • Soft Gymnastics and Relaxation
  • Social Dance
  • Walking Club


  • Snacks at will
  • Meal
  • Hair Salon (on site)
  • Bedding maintenance
  • Housekeeping
  • Clothing care
  • Internet access
  • TV services
  • Telephony
  • Pet Therapy
  • 24 hours and 7 days permanent security


  • Terrasse
  • Fire Alarm System
  • Camera monitoring system
  • Security system
  • Intercom system
  • Indoor parking
  • Outdoor parking
  • Air Conditioning
  • Private room for receptions and family events
  • Lounge with glass roof
  • Lounge (fireplace, TV, armchairs, etc.)
  • Outside garden
  • Outdoor fireplace
  • Floor with coded door (Risk of wandering)
  • Heat detectors
  • Courtyard
  • Backyard
  • Free laundry
  • Fireplace
  • Patient lift
  • Indoor garden

Health Care

  • Food stimulation
  • Medication Management
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Helph with bathing
  • Help getting up
  • Bedtime help
  • Help to move around
  • Daily Hygiene
  • Doctor's visit
  • Visit specialists at the residence
  • Care options ''à la carte''
  • Medical care
  • Invasive care for daily living
  • Personalized care
  • Personalized care for retirees with loss of physical and cognitive autonomy (Alzheimer's)
  • Alzheimer's Prosthetic Unit

Health Care Staff

  • Nursing Assistant
  • Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Support staff
  • Nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Retirement Home Staff

  • Animatrice
  • Concierge
  • Conseiller en hébergement
  • Cuisinier(ère)
  • Directeur/Directrice
  • Préposé à I'entretien
  • Réceptionniste 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7
  • Surveillant 24 heures sur 24
  • Chef cuisinier


  • Pets not allowed

Spoken Languages

  • English
  • French

Building Features

  • Sprinkler System (complete)
  • Municipal water system
  • Smoke detectors
  • Smoke alarm
  • Carbon monoxide alarm
  • Fire alarm detector
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire separation
  • Accessible to wheelchairs

Smoking Policy

  • À discuter
  • Non-smoking

  • MAPAQ permit
  • RQRA member
  • MSSS Certification - Gouvernement du Québec

Location and surroundings

2020 boulevard Lebourgneuf Neufchatel-Est/Lebourgneuf, Québec, QC, G2K 0B3Directions
Near the Residence


    Reviews and comments
    Questions and answers

    Reviews and comments

    Global rating
    Average based on 1 rating
    Breakdown of Ratings
    5 stars
    4 stars
    3 stars
    2 stars
    1 star
    Rating by Feature
    Appréciation générale
    Ambiance générale de la résidence
    Confort des chambres
    Gentillesse des employés
    Propreté des lieux
    Qualité de la nourriture
    Services offerts
    Reviews and comments
    l'enfer sur terre
    Anonymous (Close relative) - June 10 2024

    Nous avons été très déçus de notre expérience dans cette résidence prétendument "haute gamme". Le traitement réservé à notre père a été très décevant. Le transfert s'est effectué très rapidement et nous n'avons pas eu l'opportunité de faire nos recherches préalables. Aucune communication ne nous a informés de la nécessité d'identifier ses vêtements et de les laver. De plus, une fois l'évaluation terminée, une date a été fixée pour son départ, avec seulement une semaine pour trouver une autre résidence. Le jour du transfert, nous avons été choqués de constater l'état déplorable dans lequel se trouvait notre père : il portait des vêtements souillés qui ne lui appartenaient pas, une partie de son linge était manquante, sa chambre était mal entretenue avec des planchers collants et une odeur désagréable. Nous avons été contraints de partir avec lui dans cet état, sans sous-vêtements. Heureusement, sa nouvelle résidence a pris immédiatement le relais et a exprimé leur mécontentement à l'égard de l'état dans lequel il a été transféré. Nous sommes soulagés de l'avoir sorti de cette situation et estimons que nos aînés méritent bien mieux.

    View all reviews

    Questions and answers

    Questions and answers

    What are the visiting hours?
    France (Close relative) - June 28 2024

    Thank you for your question. I suggest you to make an appointment before visiting a senior living to ensure that the rental advisor is available. I invite you to contact me so I can better assist you with your recherches.

    Geneviève (Senior housing Specialist) - June 3 2024
    Réponse officielle

    Read More About This Senior Home

    Discover Humanitae: a new approach to Alzheimer's

    Humanitae offers a stimulating living environment for residents suffering from cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, which adapts to everyone's needs. They have twelve living spaces (prosthetic units) divided into "households". In each household, it is possible to accommodate from 12 to 15 people. The residents all have a private room (with private bathroom) and access to common areas in the house, including a lounge with an atrium, a dining room with fireplace, and 36 thematic rooms.

    Published on January 24 2019