Manoir Le Buckingham

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR)
Manoir Buckingham is a private residence for seniors located in the region of Ouataouais. This retirement home for the Édifio Group welcomes seniors who are autonomous and semi-autonomous.
Do not hesitate to contact a member of the team to know all the details of the wide range of services and activities available.
- Retirees
- Independent living
- Assisted living
Residence units
175 personnes
143 unités RPA
- 3 meals
- Housekeeping
- Storage room
- Cablodistribution
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Internet
General information
Heating (with individual controls)
Electricity and hot water
Unlimited high speed internet
cable television
Telephony (100 minutes per month of long distance calls)
- Standard appliance space
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Storage room
- Internet
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Cablodistribution
- Housekeeping
General information
Heating (with individual controls)
Electricity and hot water
Unlimited high speed internet
cable television
Telephony (100 minutes per month of long distance calls)
- 1 meal
- Standard appliance space
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Storage room
- Internet
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Cablodistribution
General information
Chauffage (avec contrôles individuels)
Électricité et eau chaude
Internet haute vitesse illimité
Téléphonie (100 minutes par mois d’appels interurbains)
- Standard appliance space
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Storage room
- Internet
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Cablodistribution
- Housekeeping
Recreational Activities
- Card games
- Billiard room
- Private reception room
- Home theater
- Fitness Room
- Community Hall
- Bingo
- Meal
- 1 meal per day
- 3 meals a day
- Health office
- Medical clinic (on site)
- Bedding maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Clothing care
- TV services
- Telephony
- Leisure available
- Outdoor parking
- Floor with coded door (Risk of wandering)
- Garbage chute
- Fire Alarm System
- Camera monitoring system
- Security system
- Indoor parking
- Electronic locks
- Superior soundproofing
Health Care
- Medication Management
- Distribution of medication
- Medication administration
- Food aid
- Help with clothing
- Helph with bathing
- Service for resident with a slight loss of autonomy
- Hygiene care
- Medical care
- Invasive care for daily living
- Personalized care
Retirement Home Staff
- Director
- Accommodation advisor
- Pets allowed
Spoken Languages
- English
- French
Building Features
- Non-combustible frame
- Sprinkler System (complete)
- Municipal water system
- Generator
- Smoke detectors
- Smoke alarm
- Carbon monoxide alarm
- Fire alarm detector
- Emergency lighting
- Accessible to wheelchairs
- Elevator(s)
- Help call system (fixed)
- RQRA member
J'ai aidé une tante à s'installer au Manoir de Buckingham à l'automne 2016. J'ai apprécié les installations, l'appartement et l'accueil du personnel. J'ai remarqué que les résidents ont le droit d'avoir un petit chien, ce que je trouve intéressant pour les personnes qui sont seules. Je connais au moins une autre résidence ou les animaux sont interdits et je trouve ça dommage pour les résidents qui aimeraient un animal de compagnie.