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Les Résidences des 3 Ormes

Intermediate Resources (IR) in Beauport, Québec by Groupe Thomassin
Les Résidences des 3 Ormes
Les Résidences des 3 Ormes
Les Résidences des 3 Ormes
Les Résidences des 3 Ormes

Intermediate Resources (IR)

Specialized in the care of mental disorders!

Located in the upper Beauport, Les Résidences des 3 ormes is an Intermediate Resource which accommodates and supervises 40 residents. Built in the 1980s, enlarged and renovated several times, the resource now offers care to clients with mental health problems.

Residence highlights
Show with special guests
Chef cuisinier
Doctor (by appointment)
  • Independent living
  • Mental Health

Residence units

Total capacity
49 personnes
Number of Units
49 unités RI
Type of accommodation
Private room


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • 2 snacks
  • Shared
  • Shower bath
  • Private
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
  • Storage room
Services included per unit
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Daily hygiene

Recreational Activities

  • Bean Bag Toss
  • Card games
  • Show with special guests
  • Bingo
  • Fitness Room
  • Adapted Activities Program
  • Board games
  • Outdoor Activities and Outings
  • Leasure available
  • Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)


  • 2 snacks
  • Support service for medical appointments
  • Services from CLSC
  • Meal
  • 3 meals a day
  • Pharmacy (personalized delivery)
  • Hairdresser available (a la carte)
  • Janitor
  • Bedding maintenance
  • Housekeeping
  • Housekeeping once a week
  • Clothing care
  • Washing of clothes
  • Mail service
  • Banking services
  • Internet access
  • Wireless Internet / Wifi
  • TV services
  • Telephony
  • Pet Therapy
  • Leisure available
  • 24 hours and 7 days permanent security


  • Terrasse
  • Fire Alarm System
  • Camera monitoring system
  • Security system
  • Intercom system
  • Indoor parking
  • Outdoor parking
  • Electronic locks
  • Air Conditioning
  • Laundry room
  • Indoor smoking room
  • Heat detectors
  • Backyard
  • Reinforced concrete construction
  • Free laundry
  • Grab bars in the hallway
  • Swings outside the residence
  • Gazebo
  • Building with sprinklers

Health Care

  • Food stimulation
  • Units of care
  • Medication Management
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Helph with bathing
  • Help getting up
  • Bedtime help
  • Help to move around
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Help for faecal incontinence
  • Daily Hygiene
  • Service for resident with a slight loss of autonomy
  • Support services for semi-autonomous resident
  • Support services for non-autonomous resident
  • Visit specialists at the residence
  • Foot care
  • Hygiene care
  • Medical care
  • Invasive care for daily living
  • Personalized care
  • Autonomous care
  • Semi-autonomous care

Health Care Staff

  • Nursing Assistant on call
  • Beneficiary Attendant
  • Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Doctor (by appointment)
  • Support staff
  • Staff trained in first aid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Retirement Home Staff

  • Accompagnateur dans les déplacements (hôpital, épiceríe, pharmacie, etc.)
  • Chef cuisinier
  • Récréologue ou technicien en loisirs
  • Préposé à I'entretien
  • Gardien de nuit
  • Directeur/Directrice
  • Cuisinier(ère)
  • Concierge
  • Animatrice


  • Pets not allowed

Spoken Languages

  • English
  • French

Building Features

  • Sprinkler System (complete)
  • Municipal water system
  • Smoke detectors
  • Smoke alarm
  • Carbon monoxide alarm
  • Fire alarm detector
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire separation
  • Accessible to wheelchairs
  • Elevator(s)
  • Help call system (fixed)

Smoking Policy

  • Indoor smoking area

  • MAPAQ permit

Location and surroundings

125, Avenue St-Michel Beauport, Québec, QC, G1C 1E8Directions
Near the Residence


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