Résidence Le Long des Berges

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR)
Your quality of life, all services included !
The Residence Le Long des Berges is located on the North Shore of Quebec City, more precisely in Limoilou. It is close to all services including the Hospital Saint-François d’Assise. From the residence, you have access to the Saint-Charles River. The Residence Le Long des Berges is a private residence for seniors (RPA) for autonomous and semi-autonomous retirees. This residence in Limoilou is a safe place, since there are staff present, at all times. The Residence Le Long des Berges is a welcoming, comfortable and where there is a joy of life. Moreover, several services are offered at this private residence for seniors.
- Retirees
- Independent living
- Assisted living
Residence units
125 personnes
106 unités RPA
- 3 meals
- Refrigerator (mini)
- Private
- Upstairs laundry room
- Balcony / Terrace
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Exterior (included)
General information
* Possibility of adding à la carte meals ($)
- Standard appliance space
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Exterior (included)
- Smoking on the balcony
General information
* Possibility of adding à la carte meals ($)
- 3 meals
- Standard appliance space
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Exterior (included)
- Smoking on the balcony
General information
*Possibility to add à la carte meals ($)
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Exterior (included)
- Smoking on the balcony
General information
*Possibility to add à la carte meals ($)
- Private
- Inlet only
- Balcony / Terrace
- Telephone line
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Exterior (included)
- Smoking on the balcony
Recreational Activities
- Board games
- Bingo
- Library
- Billiard room
- Private reception room
- Outdoor Activities and Outings
- Leasure available
- Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)
- Choral
- Card games
- Outdoor petanque
- Meal
- 1 meal per day
- 2 meals per day
- 3 meals a day
- Domestic help
- Hair Salon (on site)
- Bedding maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Clothing care
- Washing of clothes
- Laundry Service
- Shuttle service
- A la carte Services
- TV services
- Telephony
- Pastoral/mass
- 24 hours and 7 days permanent security
- Leisure available
- Heat detectors
- Courtyard
- Terrace
- Fire Alarm System
- Camera monitoring system
- Garbage chute
- Intercom system
- Indoor parking
- Outdoor parking
- Chapel
- Swings outside the residence
- Place of contemplation
- Place of prayer
- Superior soundproofing
Health Care
- Medication Management
- Distribution of medication
- Personal assistance
- Care options ''à la carte''
- Medical care
- Autonomous care
Health Care Staff
- Nursing Assistant
- Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day
Retirement Home Staff
- Chef
- Activity coordinator
- Janitor
- Director
- Pets allowed
Spoken Languages
- French
Building Features
- Non-combustible frame
- Sprinkler System (complete)
- Municipal water system
- Generator
- Smoke detectors
- Smoke alarm
- Fire alarm detector
- Emergency lighting
- Fire separation
- Accessible to wheelchairs
- Elevator(s)
- Help call system (fixed)
Smoking Policy
- Smoking units
- MAPAQ permit
J'habite cette résidence depuis le mois de mai. Bien insonorisé. Beaucoup d'acitivé et en plus, ils prennent les animaux.