FacebookOur Literary Suggestions on the Sidelines of the 45th Salon du livre de Montréal | Bonjour Residences

Our Literary Suggestions on the Sidelines of the 45th Salon du livre de Montréal

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Salon du livre de Montréal
Photo credit : Salon du livre de Montréal 2019

From November 23 to 27, the great Salon du livre de Montréal will be held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. This year, the event is celebrating its 45th birthday and offers a program that will amaze book lovers. For the occasion, we offer you a selection of 8 reading suggestions from Quebec books whose authors will take part in the Salon du livre. Everyone will find its own.

1. Couleur chair by Bianca Joubert

Couleur chair by Bianca Joubert

In this work, the writer-traveller Bianca Joubert reveals a lineage where the origins are shrouded in mystery, a woman explores the construction of identity around the colour of the skin. She traces the trajectory of her ancestors through lives, scenes, memories linked to turning points in history.

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2. L’Amérique au bord du gouffre by Rafael Jacob

L’Amérique au bord du gouffre by Rafael Jacob

For fans of American politics, this book by researcher Rafael Jacob looks back on the most significant events of our present decade in the United States. In 2020 the whole world was turned upside down and America could have imploded. The worst health crisis in 60 years. The worst economic crisis in 90 years. The worst social crisis in 50 years. And the worst democratic crisis … in our lifetime.

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3. Frenchie by Claude Raymond and Marc Robitaille

Frenchie by Claude Raymond and Marc Robitaille

Those nostalgic for the Montreal Expos will be won over. This autobiography traces the career of pitcher Claude Raymond, who had a long 13-year career in Major League Baseball and was a precursor for Quebecers in the field. A unique account of baseball in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, an era of expansion and transformation that marked the history of the sport.

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4. Gourmande! Mes recettes de famille from Marina Orsini

Gourmande! Mes recettes de famille from Marina Orsini

It already smells good in the house! Host and actress Marina Orsini offers a first cookbook inspired by her family history. A book full of good flavours from here and Italy. Through personal stories, a host of photographs and memories, she recounts the defining moments of her life.

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5. Menace sur les pentes of Dr Nadia Gagnier and Tristan Demers

Menace sur les pentes of Dr. Nadia Gagnier and Tristan Demers

A book that will appeal to parents and grandparents who wish to offer a reading to their offspring. By immersing themselves in this new adventure with Billie, Miro and their friendly gang, young people are invited to develop strategies that will allow them to better deal with intimidation, harassment or humiliation. This collection features resourceful children who face their share of challenges, in different situations that are potentially stressful or frustrating for them.

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6. Le Québec au cinéma of Michel Coulombe

Le Québec au cinéma of Michel Coulombe

An essential reference for lovers of the seventh art in Quebec. Immerse yourself in the heart of outstanding film productions from here and the key moments of this industry in this fabulous work for the general public, devoted to the close relationship between cinema and society in Quebec, by the co-author of the Dictionary of Quebec Cinema.

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7. Les douze mois de Marie by Marie-Chantal Perron

Les douze mois de Marie by Marie-Chantal Perron

Discover the first novel by one of Quebec’s greatest actresses, Marie-Chantal Perron. Twenty-five-year-old Prunelle buys a copy of a book written by Marie, a woman who left her father when she was still a child. This book recounts the twelve months it took Marie to leave, leaving behind this little Prunelle to whom she was very attached. For once, the subject of the relationship between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law is addressed in a novel that gives rise to a panoply of reflections.

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8. Shirley Théroux, née pour chanter by Caroline St-Hilaire

Shirley Théroux, née pour chanter by Caroline St-Hilaire

The singer-songwriter, performing artist, painter and avant-garde businesswoman, the beloved of the public knew how to be audacious, sometimes even reckless. Signed by Caroline St-Hilaire, a great admirer of Shirley, this biography presents the artist’s life like a concert, with its highlights and interludes, punctuated by the hundreds of shows she gave, the multiple television and radio shows in which she participated.

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