Facebook La Champenoise | CHSLD in Québec

La Champenoise

Long-term care nursing home (CHSLD) in Saint-Sacrement, Québec
La Champenoise
La Champenoise
La Champenoise
La Champenoise
La Champenoise
La Champenoise

Housing NPO - Private Seniors' Residence (PSR) - Long-term care nursing home (CHSLD)

A dynamic living environment in an enchanting and serene calm !

Renowned for more than 50 years, the La Champenoise residence is a private residence for seniors with 346 apartments (studios & 2 1/2) which also has 20 rooms in a private CHSLD under agreement. Located in the heart of the Saint-Sacrement district, near Maguire and Myrand streets, La Champenoise is an evolving environment that offers a wide range of services to meet all the needs of its residents.

Recently renovated, this residence for autonomous and semi-autonomous people offers tailor-made services. The price includes lighted heated rent, cable, telephone line and hygiene-sanitation service twice a month. Residents can count on the presence of a nurse 24 hours a day, a leisure and pastoral service. Meals are optional. Two packages for people with loss of autonomy are also offered. The first offers maintenance services (cleaning and bedding), bathing assistance (once a week), distribution of medication, 1 or 2 meals a day. The second includes, among other things, help with bathing (twice a week), distribution of medication, day and night care, help with clothing and 3 meals a day.

Enjoy a variety of leisure activities (bingo, social dancing, yoga, etc.) as well as on-site amenities such as: convenience store, pharmacy and hair salon.

Residence highlights
Vegetable garden
Show with special guests
  • Short term stay
  • Retirees
  • Assisted living
  • Independent living
  • Nursing homes
  • Continuum of care
  • Physical disability
  • Palliative care

Residence units

Total capacity
346 personnes
Number of Units
320 unités RPA
20 unités CHSLD
Type of accommodation
Studio (1 ½)

General information

Choice of number of meals: 1, 2 or 3 meals/day.
Choice of medication distribution with the nurse: 1, 2 or 3 times / day.


Included meals
  • 1 meal
  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Cablodistribution
  • 1 shower / bath per week
  • Distribution of medication 
  • Exterior (included) 
Type of accommodation
Studio (1 ½)

General information

Choice of medication distribution with the nurse: 1, 2 or 3 times / da


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • 2 snacks
  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Cablodistribution
  • 2 showers / baths per week
  • Distribution of medication 
Type of accommodation
Studio (1 ½)

Unit photos

General information

* Possibility to add other services for a fee. Package available.


Services included per unit
  • Cablodistribution
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
Type of accommodation
Studio (1 ½)


  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Cablodistribution
Type of accommodation
junior 1 Bedroom (2 ½)


  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Cablodistribution
Type of accommodation
junior 1 Bedroom (2 ½)

General information

* Possibility to add other services for a fee. Package available.


  • Private
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Cablodistribution
  • Smoking indoors
Type of accommodation
Private room


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • 2 snacks
  • Private
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
  • Storage room
Services included per unit
  • Cablodistribution
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Distribution of medication 
  • Exterior (included) 

Recreational Activities

  • Show with special guests
  • Bingo
  • Bridge
  • Piano
  • Billiard room
  • Auditorium
  • Multifunctional leisure room
  • Recreational room (spacious)
  • Recreational room
  • Community Hall
  • Adapted Activities Program
  • Indoor petanque
  • Outdoor petanque
  • Board games
  • Vegetable garden
  • Community garden
  • Social Dance
  • Library
  • Game area
  • Leasure available
  • Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)
  • Yoga
  • Bean Bag Toss
  • Choral


  • 2 snacks
  • Snack
  • Meal
  • 1 meal per day
  • 2 meals per day
  • 3 meals a day
  • Convenience Store
  • Pharmacy (personalized delivery)
  • Pharmacy (direct access to the residence)
  • Domestic help
  • Hair Salon (on site)
  • Medical clinic (on site)
  • Bedding maintenance
  • Housekeeping
  • Housekeeping once a week
  • Daily Housekeeping
  • Clothing care
  • Washing of clothes
  • Service to units
  • Laundry Service
  • A la carte Services
  • TV services
  • Telephony
  • Pastoral/mass
  • Pet Therapy
  • Leisure available
  • 24 hours and 7 days permanent security


  • Terrasse
  • Fire Alarm System
  • Camera monitoring system
  • Security system
  • Intercom system
  • Outdoor parking
  • Electronic locks
  • Lounge (fireplace, TV, armchairs, etc.)
  • Laundry room
  • Bathroom with therapeutic bath
  • Outside garden
  • Heat detectors
  • Courtyard
  • Backyard
  • Reinforced concrete and steel construction
  • Reinforced concrete construction
  • Garbage chute
  • Chapel
  • Paying laundry
  • Swings outside the residence
  • Gazebo
  • Building with sprinklers

Health Care

  • Units of care
  • Medication Management
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Helph with bathing
  • Help getting up
  • Bedtime help
  • Help to move around
  • Daily Hygiene
  • Personal assistance
  • Service for resident with a slight loss of autonomy
  • Support services for semi-autonomous resident
  • Support services for non-autonomous resident
  • Care options ''à la carte''
  • Foot care
  • Hygiene care
  • Medical care
  • Palliative care
  • Personalized care
  • Personalized care loss of physical autonomy
  • Personalized care for retirees with loss of physical and cognitive autonomy (Alzheimer's)
  • Autonomous care
  • Semi-autonomous care
  • Non-autonomous care
  • Alzheimer's Prosthetic Unit

Health Care Staff

  • Nursing Assistant
  • Nursing Assistant 5 days a week
  • Nursing Assistant 7 days a week
  • Beneficiary Attendant
  • Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day
  • Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Support staff
  • Nursing staff
  • Nursing staff 7 days a week
  • Nursing staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • nurse
  • Nurse 7 days a week
  • Nurse 24 hours a day
  • Nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Retirement Home Staff

  • Animatrice
  • Chef cuisinier
  • Concierge
  • Cuisinier(ère)
  • Directeur/Directrice
  • Gardien de nuit
  • Préposé à I'entretien
  • Réceptionniste
  • Réceptionniste 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7
  • Récréologue ou technicien en loisirs
  • Surveillant 24 heures sur 24


  • Pets not allowed

Spoken Languages

  • French

Building Features

  • Non-combustible frame
  • Sprinkler System (complete)
  • Municipal water system
  • Generator
  • Smoke detectors
  • Smoke alarm
  • Fire alarm detector
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire separation
  • Elevator(s)
  • Help call system (fixed)

Smoking Policy

  • Non-smoking

  • Accreditation Canada
  • MAPAQ permit
  • MSSS Certification - Gouvernement du Québec

Location and surroundings

990, rue Gérard-Morisset Saint-Sacrement, Québec, QC, G1S 1X6Directions
Near the Residence


    Reviews and comments
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    Reviews and comments

    Global rating
    Average based on 10 ratings
    Breakdown of Ratings
    5 stars
    4 stars
    3 stars
    2 stars
    1 star
    Rating by Feature
    Appréciation générale
    Ambiance générale de la résidence
    Confort des chambres
    Gentillesse des employés
    Propreté des lieux
    Qualité de la nourriture
    Services offerts
    Reviews and comments
    Problèmes de salubrité et plomberie non réglés.
    Claire (Close relative) -

    Le tapis n'a pas été nettoyé, et la chute à déchets nécessite un nettoyage. Il y a un problème avec l'eau froide et un souci de plomberie à résoudre.

    Voilà 9 ans que j’ai choisi La Champenoise et je n’ai jamais été déçue.
    Anonymous (Resident) - March 29 2021
    Verified comment

    C’est une résidence qui met en pratique les valeurs qu’elle prône, entre autres le respect. On sent que la préoccupation de l’ensemble du personnel est notre bien-être à tous les niveaux et grâce à cela nous n’avons pas eu de cas de COVID. De plus, on sent que la direction cherche à innover, à améliorer, tout en tenant compte de garder nos loyers le plus bas possible. Je suis fière de rester ici.

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