Facebook Havre Joie de Vivre | Retirement home in Québec

Havre Joie de Vivre

Retirement home in Duberger-Les Saules, Québec
Havre Joie de Vivre
Havre Joie de Vivre
Havre Joie de Vivre

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR)

The private residence for seniors Havre Joie de Vivre is intended for seniors who are autonomous, semi-autonomous, who are physically impaired or who have Alzheimer's disease and cognitive losses. The staff at the Havre Joie de Vivre residence is caring, dedicated and attentive to your evolving needs. Discover the family spirit of the Havre Joie de Vivre residence and enjoy an environment where respect and cheerfulness prevail.

Residence highlights
Chef cuisinier
Accessible to wheelchairs
Foot care
  • Retirees
  • Independent living
  • Assisted living
  • Convalescence

Residence units

Total capacity
48 personnes
Number of Units
40 unités RPA
Type of accommodation
Studio (1 ½)


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • Private
  • Bracelet / emergency pull
  • Balcony / Terrace
Services included per unit
  • Telephone line
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Distribution of medication
  • 1 shower / bath per week
  • Medication administration
Type of accommodation
junior 1 Bedroom (2 ½)
Type of accommodation
Private room

Recreational Activities

  • Choral
  • Bingo
  • Outdoor Activities and Outings
  • Leasure available
  • Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)
  • Library
  • Fitness Room
  • Adapted Activities Program
  • Soft Gymnastics and Relaxation
  • Walking Club


  • 2 snacks
  • Meal
  • 3 meals a day
  • Pharmacy (personalized delivery)
  • Hairdresser available (a la carte)
  • Bedding maintenance
  • Housekeeping
  • Clothing care
  • Laundry Service
  • A la carte Services
  • Telephony
  • Pastoral/mass
  • Leisure available


  • Outdoor parking
  • Backyard
  • Floor with coded door (Risk of wandering)

Health Care

  • Medication Management
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Help with clothing
  • Helph with bathing
  • Care options ''à la carte''
  • Foot care
  • Hygiene care
  • Medical care
  • Invasive care for daily living

Retirement Home Staff

  • Chef cuisinier
  • Concierge
  • Animatrice
  • Accompagnateur dans les déplacements (hôpital, épiceríe, pharmacie, etc.)


  • Pets not allowed

Spoken Languages

  • French

Building Features

  • Fuel frame
  • Municipal water system
  • Smoke detectors
  • Smoke alarm
  • Carbon monoxide alarm
  • Fire alarm detector
  • Emergency lighting
  • Accessible to wheelchairs
  • Elevator(s)
  • Help call system (fixed)
  • Help call system (mobile)

  • MAPAQ permit
  • RQRA member

Location and surroundings

2525, avenue Raymond-Blouin Duberger-Les Saules, Québec, QC, G1M 3J9Directions
Near the Residence


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