Facebook Résidence Le Coulongeois | Retirement home in Québec

Résidence Le Coulongeois

Retirement home in Sillery, Québec
Résidence Le Coulongeois
Résidence Le Coulongeois
Résidence Le Coulongeois
Résidence Le Coulongeois
Résidence Le Coulongeois
Résidence Le Coulongeois

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR)

This residence will close its doors shortly

Résidence Le Coulongeois is a private residence for the autonomous, semi-autonomous, Alzheimer's or cognitively impaired, for a short stay or convalescence. The staff at La Résidence Le Coulongeois are sympathetic to the challenges faced by seniors; Which is why it offers care to elders with special needs who require a reassuring and warm presence. Résidence Le Coulongeois bases its human approach on values such as respect, hospitality, cleanliness, dignity and care.

Do not hesitate to contact our accommodation specialists to help you find a similar residence.

Residence highlights
Chef cuisinier
Accessible to wheelchairs
Wireless Internet / Wifi
  • Retirees
  • Short term stay
  • Assisted living
  • Convalescence
  • Independent living
  • Nursing homes
  • Alzheimer's and Cognitive Losses
  • Palliative care

Residence units

Total capacity
14 personnes
Number of Units
15 unités RPA
Type of accommodation
Private room

Unit photos


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • 2 snacks
  • Electric bed
  • Furnished
Services included per unit
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
Type of accommodation
Private room

Unit photos


Included meals
  • 3 meals
  • 2 snacks
  • Electric bed
  • Furnished
Services included per unit
  • Electricity / Heating
  • Housekeeping
  • Bedding / clothing care
  • Travel assistance
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Aid for faecal incontinence
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Bathing aid
  • Help to get up
  • Bedtime help

Recreational Activities

  • Adapted Activities Program
  • Board games
  • Leasure available
  • Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)


  • 2 snacks
  • Meal
  • 3 meals a day
  • Pharmacy (personalized delivery)
  • Bedding maintenance
  • Housekeeping
  • Clothing care
  • Laundry Service
  • Wireless Internet / Wifi
  • Pastoral/mass
  • Leisure available
  • 24 hours and 7 days permanent security


  • Terrasse
  • Camera monitoring system
  • Lounge (fireplace, TV, armchairs, etc.)
  • Laundry room
  • Floor with coded door (Risk of wandering)
  • Backyard
  • Paying laundry
  • Grab bars in the hallway
  • Swings outside the residence
  • Fireplace

Health Care

  • Medication Management
  • Distribution of medication
  • Medication administration
  • Food aid
  • Help with clothing
  • Helph with bathing
  • Help getting up
  • Bedtime help
  • Help to move around
  • Help for urinary incontinence
  • Help for faecal incontinence
  • Doctor's visit
  • Convalescent Care
  • Hygiene care
  • Medical care
  • Invasive care for daily living

Retirement Home Staff

  • Accompagnateur dans les déplacements (hôpital, épiceríe, pharmacie, etc.)
  • Chef cuisinier
  • Concierge
  • Animatrice


  • Cats are allowed

Spoken Languages

  • French

Building Features

  • Fuel frame
  • Municipal water system
  • Smoke detectors
  • Smoke alarm
  • Carbon monoxide alarm
  • Fire alarm detector
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire separation
  • Accessible to wheelchairs
  • Elevator(s)
  • Help call system (mobile)

  • MAPAQ permit
  • RQRA member
  • MSSS Certification - Gouvernement du Québec

Location and surroundings

1481, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest Sillery, Québec, QC, G1S 1X4Directions
Near the Residence


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