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Accommodation costs in nursing home CHSLDs

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Cost in CHSLD

When the time comes to find a CHSLD for oneself or a loved one, many questions may arise, such as: " How much does it cost ? ", " How it works ? " And " How to apply? ". To help you in this process, we present answers to frequently asked questions about the costs associated with living in long-term care facilities.

What is a CHSLD?

Before delving into the issue of prices, it is important to understand what a CHSLD is. Before delving into the issue of prices, it is important to understand what a CHSLD is. The term CHSLD is an abbreviation for "centre d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée," which translates to a long-term care facility. The definition of a hosting center is as follows:

"A long-term care facility in Quebec is defined as a residential establishment, for-profit or non-profit, that provides adults who can no longer remain in their natural living environment due to their loss of functional or psychosocial autonomy with a substitute living environment, housing services, assistance, support, rehabilitation, supervision, and psychosocial, nursing, pharmaceutical, and medical services."

In other words, it is a living environment intended for elderly people with significant loss of autonomy

It is important not to confuse a CHSLD with a Maison des aînés, even though both cater to elderly individuals with specific needs. CHSLDs provide long-term care to those with complex health issues, while Maison des aînés offer an adapted environment integrated into the community for people with mental or physical health challenges. The Maisons des aînés stand out with their consistent architectural design and thoughtfully planned private and communal living spaces that promote the well-being and socialization of residents.

What does it mean for a CHSLD to be private, contracted, or non-contracted?

Some mistakenly believe that CHSLDs are fully funded by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS). In fact, it is important to understand that there are three types of CHSLDs:

  1. Public CHSLDs
  2. Contracted private CHSLDs
  3. Non-contracted private CHSLDs

The first two categories of establishments are virtually the same: they are funded by the MHSS, have similar admission criteria, and charge the same fees for accommodation. The differences involve the administration, ownership, and management of the facility. Admission is granted following an assessment by a CLSC staff member. These types of CHSLDs usually have long waiting lists. For more information,see the list of pending applications for a CHSLD by region.

Although they target the same clientele, the third category, non-contracted private CHSLDs, operates by its own rules and has its own admission criteria. They are owned and operated by the private sector, like a private seniors' residence, and receive no government subsidies. To operate, they must obtain a permit from the MSSS. Long waiting lists from the public sector are typically avoided. Bonjour Résidences can help you find a non-contracted private CHSLD, all you have to do is fill out an accommodation request.

What about CHSLD rates in 2023?

In a public or contracted private CHSLD, the cost of accommodation cannot exceed what is set by the Quebec Health Insurance Board (RAMQ). Currently, the monthly contribution to be paid for a public CHSLD is set at a maximum of:

*These prices are revised on January 1st of each year.

These prices represent the maximum amount a person with a loss of autonomy can pay. The actual amount is determined based on the individual's ability to pay. To establish the contribution to be paid, all sources of income are considered: pension, investments, and savings, as well as property and family situation. Deductions may also apply.

A tip : use this online tool to get a better idea of CHSLD accommodation costs. Offered by the RAMQ, it covers many cases but should be used as an indication only. The final amount will be determined after analyzing the elderly person's financial situation and that of their spouse, if applicable.

Real cost of a public CHSLD spot: $11,000/month

Since public and contracted private CHSLDs receive government subsidies, the required monthly contribution does not reflect the real cost of a CHSLD spot. According to a review of Quebec taxation presented in 2014, the cost of a spot in a public CHSLD was $83,347 per year, or $6,945 per month, not including the costs of acquiring and amortizing real estate. Following inflation, these 2014 amounts, updated to 2023, give $103,764 per year, or $8,647 per month, still excluding the cost of acquiring and amortizing real estate. By estimating the acquisition and amortization costs of the facilities, the value of a spot in a public CHSLD costs more than $11,000 per month.

Estimated Cost – Another Calculation Method

Based on the report of the Comptes de la santé 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 81.85% of the cost of adult accommodation services in a CHSLD is borne by the state. Thus, it can be extrapolated that an individual room in a public CHSLD costs an average of $11,459.50 per month, of which $2,079.90 is borne by the person being accommodated.

In non-contracted private CHSLDs, the owner of the facility sets the monthly rental cost. The average cost ranges between $5,000 and $8,000. This price varies depending on the resident's needs. Contact us at 1-844-918-1020 for more details or fill out a free accommodation request.

Are there any expenses not to be forgotten?

In a public or contracted private CHSLD, several products and services are included: paper products, body creams, shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, tissues, and regular clothing maintenance.

However, it should be noted that you will need to provide or pay for:

  • Hairdressing services;
  • More specific personal care items such as cosmetics;
  • Non-covered medications;
  • Tobacco, newspapers;
  • A telephone, a television;
  • Clothing;
  • Dry cleaning and clothing repair.

It is important to make a complete list of needs and discuss them with the facility's management to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Who Can Help Me Plan For CHSLD Costs?

Some resources to guide you:

Of course, accountants and tax specialists are also excellent resources to help you navigate the process. Good luck with your search!

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