FacebookProtect Your Loved Ones: Everything You Need to Know About Guardianship, and Protection Mandate | Bonjour Residences

Protect Your Loved Ones: Everything You Need to Know About Guardianship, and Protection Mandate

4 min
Guardianship, curatorship, and protection mandate

Guardianship and protection mandates are suitable solutions to anticipate the future and help our elderly loved ones in need. Addressing these delicate subjects requires tact and understanding. Senior living communities prove to be invaluable allies, offering a secure and customized environment. In this article, explore these key concepts to navigate confidently through these complex topics, always with the concern to preserve the dignity and autonomy of your dear ones.


Guardianship, unknown to some, yet central to many situations, presents itself as an indispensable legal tool in the protection of the elderly. Since 2022, it is important to note that curatorships, formerly a form of legal protection, no longer exist, and all existing curatorships have been converted into guardianships. Let's dissect this concept together to better understand and apply it wisely.

Definition and Context of Application

Guardianship is a legal protection regime established to help an adult whose mental or physical faculties are severely impaired, thus preventing them from fully ensuring their own protection. The guardian, appointed by the court, is entrusted with the responsibility of caring for the person and managing their assets, thus guaranteeing a safe and stable environment for them.

How to Set up a Guardianship?

Setting up a guardianship is no small feat. It requires initiating a judicial process that begins with a request to the court. This procedure, often initiated by a family member or close friend, requires presenting medical and psychosocial evidence concerning the state of the person to be protected. The services of a social worker, whether private or public, can be an option to consider to guide you through this process.

In this regard, senior living communities become substantial allies. Indeed, they can provide essential support by offering a secure framework and adapted follow-up, thereby facilitating the guardianship process and guaranteeing the well-being of the person involved.

Pros and Cons of Guardianship

While guardianship offers enhanced protection, it also comes with its share of constraints. On one hand, it ensures constant supervision and secure management of the individual’s assets, thus preventing abuse and neglect. On the other hand, it imposes significant restrictions on the person's autonomy, which can sometimes be hard to bear.

It is therefore important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before embarking on this path and to always seek to preserve the individual's dignity and autonomy to the greatest extent possible.

The Protection Mandate

In planning for the future, the protection mandate proves to be a valuable preventative tool. This measure ensures that our loved ones will be well cared for and protected if they ever become unable to take care of themselves. Let's go further into details to understand the full scope.

Definition and Context of Application

The protection mandate is a legal document wherein a person designates another (the mandatary) to make decisions on their behalf, in the event that they become unable to do so themselves, whether due to mental or physical health reasons.

This mandate can cover various aspects, such as property management or health-related decisions. It provides reassuring security, both for the individual concerned and their family.

How to Establish a Protection Mandate?

To establish a protection mandate, it is advised to consult a notary or a specialized lawyer to ensure the document is drafted correctly and respects the elder’s wishes. Once drafted, the mandate must be signed before witnesses and can be implemented as soon as the person's incapacity is confirmed by medical and psychosocial evaluations.

Senior living communities can play a crucial role in this process, offering a range of adapted services that ensure the grantor's wishes will be respected while ensuring a high level of care and attention.

Pros and Cons of the Protection Mandate

The main advantage of the protection mandate is that it allows proactive planning, giving peace of mind that decisions made in case of incapacity will be in line with the person’s desires.

However, it requires great trust in the mandatary, as they will be endowed with significant power. It is therefore essential to choose a reliable mandatary and to have open and honest communication to establish the mandate's guidelines.

Resources at Your Service

To assist you in these procedures, several resources are available to you in Quebec. Do not hesitate to consult your family doctor, a social worker, or to seek the help of organizations such as the Public Curator of Quebec and the Quebec Association for the Defense of the Rights of Retired and Pre-retired Persons (AQDR) to guide you effectively. Notaries and lawyers specializing in elder law can also be a precious help. Finally, the staff at senior living communities is there to support you at every stage of the process.

In summary, guardianship and protective mandates are two distinct legal measures designed to support individuals in vulnerable situations. Guardianship is intended for persons with significant incapacity, offering comprehensive protection while limiting autonomy. Since 2022, curatorships, which were less restrictive and allowed for tailored assistance while preserving some level of independence, no longer exist, and all existing curatorship measures have been converted into guardianships. The protective mandate, on the other hand, is a proactive arrangement, allowing the individual to designate a trusted person in advance to manage their affairs in the event of future incapacity.

Beyond the legal aspects, it is essential to remember that the core of these processes is the well-being and respect of our elders. This includes considering their desires, preserving their dignity, and ensuring their safety. This is where senior living communities position themselves as partners of choice, offering a warm and secure environment where the needs and wishes of the elderly are at the forefront.

By reaching out to Bonjour Résidence, you not only choose assistance in finding a senior living community that will meet your loved one's specific needs but also a compassionate support in implementing legal protection devices, thus ensuring a smooth and reassuring transition for the whole family.

We therefore invite you to contact us to discover how we can accompany you on this journey, always with empathy, respect, and professionalism.

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