Facebook Average price of a residence rent for seniors in Sherbrooke | Bonjour Residences

Average price of a residence rent for seniors in Sherbrooke

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Price of rent in residence for seniors in Sherbrooke

The average cost of rent for an apartment in a residence for seniors depends on many factors including the city in which the retirement home is located, the type of unit, and the health care provided. On average, renting an apartment in Sherbrooke costs $1,973. For accommodation with care, the average price is $4,222. These amounts are based on data provided by Bonjour Résidences partner residences in Quebec.

Start your search for the ideal retirement home by calculating your budget, using our “Where to start” tool, then fill in the accommodation request form for assistance in your search.

The Average Rental Costs for Different Types of Units in Sherbrooke

Unit type

Average Cost

Single room


1 ½


3 ½


4 ½


* Note that this is an average price for Sherbrooke as a whole.

Sherbrooke is Divided Into Several Zones:

Sherbrooke : East district, North district, West district, Center district

Magog : Magog

Suburb of Sherbrooke : Ascot Corner, Ascot, Bromptonville, Brompton Township, Deauville, Hatley Township, Ascot Township, Fleurimont, Compton Station, Lennoxville, North Hatley, Rock Forest, Saint-Denis-de-Brompton, Saint-Élie d'Orford , Stoke, Waterville.

Check the Average Cost of a Seniors’ Apartment by City

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in Montreal

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in Laval

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, on the North Shore of Montreal

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in  the Laurentians

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in the region of Outaouais to Gatineau

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in Monteregie

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, on the South Shore

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in Quebec

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in Saguenay

Average apartment rental costs based on unit type, in Lanaudiere

The Average Costs of Rent in a Seniors’ Residence in the Surrounding Areas


The average rent for a standard dwelling (2024 data)

The average rent for a dwelling with care (2024 data)







Monteregie and South Shore



Consult the residences for seniors available on the territory of your CISSS or CIUSSS




Capitale Nationale

North Coast










Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean

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