Facebook Retirement homes in Côte-Nord | The 8 best | Bonjour Residences

Best Côte-Nord retirement homes & communities

Several low-cost seniors' retirement homes are located in the Côte-Nord region.

* Price based on the CMHC data from the Seniors' Housing Report of 2021. On the Côte-Nord, the available supply of private seniors' residences is very diverse. As far as health care and social services are concerned, the Côte-Nord region has good coverage. The CLSCs of Sept-Îles, Tadoussac and Saint-Augustin are among the many CLSCs that cover the territory and facilitate the transition to a new living environment. Added to this are the Hôpital et centre d'hébergement de Sept-Îles and the Le Royer Hospital. Several Maisons des aînés cover the territory, among others in the municipalities of Baie-Comeau and Havre-Saint-Pierre. They welcome seniors with a serious loss of autonomy. The private and public CHSLDs as well as the proximity of specialized care services on the North Shore facilitate access to various health services, including access to a family doctor. In private seniors' residences, there is a varied clientele, ranging from autonomous and semi-autonomous seniors to those living with a serious loss of autonomy. Elderly people with cognitive losses, such as Alzheimer's disease or requiring convalescent care are also admitted.

The average cost of standard rent in a senior living facility is Côte-Nord
$ 2339 per month  
Results: 19 Senior Homes in Côte-Nord


The retirement homes Château Baie-Comeau, Résidence des Bâtisseurs - Sept-Îles and CHSLD de Havre Saint-Pierre are the best in Côte-Nord.

In average, retirement homes in Côte-Nord cost $2 126 (data from the CMHC Senior's Housing Report).

In Côte-Nord, there is a total of 19 retirement homes listed on Bonjour Résidences.

The Bonjour Résidences platform offers a simple and free support to find the ideal seniors' residence in Côte-Nord. Start now by filling an accommodation request.

According to the MSSS data, 43 people are waiting for a place in CHSLD in Côte-Nord. Bonjour Résidences can help you find accommodation options quickly without waiting list. Let us help you, by filling this accommodation request.

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