Maison Mava

A human environment of qualified nursing staff !
Maison Mava is a 41-private rooms residence for seniors with loss of physical autonomy in Trois-Rivières. It offers personalized services as needed. The safety of residents is a priority for Maison Mava, there are surveillance cameras, a sprinkler system, an alarm system, etc., which meet certification standards by the MSSS. It is also a warm living environment, where quality care is provided by qualified attendants and a licensed practical nurse. A recreologist is on site to offer varied and adapted activities such as: bingo, pocket games, painting on canvas, special events, and more. Amenities are provided so that you can fully enjoy the residence: swings in the large outdoor courtyard, adapted shower and bath, community salon and hair salon.
- Convalescence
- Assisted living
- Physical disability
Residence units
41 personnes
35 unités RI
6 unités RPA
General information
Bedroom with private bathroom.
- 3 meals / day and 2 snacks
- Electricity, heat and hot water
- Housekeeping
- Basic cable
- Laundry service (washing clothes and bedding)
- Health care
- Distribution of medication
- Help with bathing and daily hygiene
- Mobility aid
- 24h surveillance
Extras ($$): medication, telephone, internet, incontinence briefs and personal needs.
- 3 meals
- Private
- Upstairs laundry room
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Cablodistribution
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Exterior (included)
Recreational Activities
- Bingo
- Private reception room
- Multifunctional leisure room
- Recreational room
- Adapted Activities Program
- Board games
- Library
- Outdoor Activities and Outings
- Game area
- Leasure available
- Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)
- Pets on site in permanent residence
- Bean Bag Toss
- Arts and crafts
- Painting lessons
- Card games
- Services from CLSC
- Meal
- 3 meals a day
- Hairdresser available (a la carte)
- Hair Salon (on site)
- Bedding maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Clothing care
- Laundry Service
- A la carte Services
- TV services
- Pastoral/mass
- Leisure available
- 24 hours and 7 days permanent security
- Backyard
- Intercom system
- Grab bars in the hallway
- Outdoor parking
- Swings outside the residence
- Air Conditioning
- Bathroom with adapted therapeutic shower
- Bathroom with therapeutic bath
- Fire Alarm System
- Camera monitoring system
Health Care
- Medication Management
- Distribution of medication
- Medication administration
- Help with clothing
- Helph with bathing
- Help getting up
- Bedtime help
- Help to move around
- Help for urinary incontinence
- Help for faecal incontinence
- Daily Hygiene
- Personal assistance
- Support services for semi-autonomous resident
- Visit specialists at the residence
- Care options ''à la carte''
- Convalescent Care
- Foot care
- Hygiene care
- Medical care
- Invasive care for daily living
- Palliative care
- Personalized care
- Semi-autonomous care
Health Care Staff
- Nursing Assistant
- Nursing Assistant on call
- Nursing Assistant 7 days a week
- Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day
- Support staff
- Nursing staff
- Nurse
- Zootherapist
Retirement Home Staff
- 24/7 supervisor
- Recreation specialist
- Maintenance worker
- Director
- Cook
- Janitor
- Chef
- Transportation aide (hospital, grocery store, pharmacy, etc.)
- Pets not allowed
Spoken Languages
- English
- French
Building Features
- Fuel frame
- Sprinkler System (complete)
- Municipal water system
- Smoke detectors
- Smoke alarm
- Fire alarm detector
- Emergency lighting
- Fire separation
- Accessible to wheelchairs
- Help call system (fixed)
- Help call system (mobile)
- RQRA member
- MAPAQ permit
- MSSS Certification - Gouvernement du Québec