Villa Victoire de L'Âge

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR)
Human Residence & Peaceful
A charming site bordered by the Rivière des Mille Îles that will warm your heart with its magnificent water view, thanks to our splendid dining room and its 180-degree windows. At Villa Victoire de l'Âge, our rooms are bright, practical, and even have private toilets. We are a private residence for independent and semi-independent seniors. Villa Victoire de l'Âge is a residence where safety and well-being are important, which is why our doctor offers the possibility for new residents to take charge of them if they feel the need. Our mission is to encourage and maintain the autonomy of the elderly by providing a service that protects their dignity.
Looking forward to welcoming you!
- Retirees
- Independent living
- Convalescence
- Assisted living
- Alzheimer's and Cognitive Losses
Residence units
52 personnes
52 unités RPA
General information
Weekly personal hygiene care service (bath) with supervision or partial assistance. Bathroom with heated light, warm and wrapping towels.
We ensure your comfort at all times.
- 3 meals
- 2 snacks
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Distribution of medication
- 1 shower / bath per week
Recreational Activities
- Bingo
- Adapted Activities Program
- Outdoor petanque
- Board games
- Puzzle games
- Community garden
- Soft Gymnastics and Relaxation
- Social Dance
- Walking Club
- Outdoor Activities and Outings
- Leasure available
- Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)
- Home theater
- Bean Bag Toss
- Arts and crafts
- Card games
- Choral
- 2 snacks
- Snack
- Meal
- 3 meals a day
- Hair Salon (on site)
- Bedding maintenance
- Housekeeping once a week
- Clothing care
- Washing of clothes
- Laundry Service
- A la carte Services
- Wireless Internet / Wifi
- TV services
- Telephony
- Pastoral/mass
- Pet Therapy
- Massage Therapy
- 24 hours and 7 days permanent security
- Leisure available
- Backyard
- Outside garden
- Building with sprinklers
- Gazebo
- Electronic locks
- Swings outside the residence
- Grab bars in the hallway
- Intercom system
- Camera monitoring system
- Terrace
Health Care
- Food stimulation
- Medication Management
- Distribution of medication
- Medication administration
- Food aid
- Help with clothing
- Helph with bathing
- Help getting up
- Bedtime help
- Help to move around
- Help for urinary incontinence
- Help for faecal incontinence
- Daily Hygiene
- Personal assistance
- Service for resident with a slight loss of autonomy
- Support services for semi-autonomous resident
- Support services for non-autonomous resident
- Doctor's visit
- Care options ''à la carte''
- Convalescent Care
- Foot care
- Hygiene care
- Medical care
- Invasive care for daily living
- Personalized care
- Personalized care for retirees with loss of physical and cognitive autonomy (Alzheimer's)
- Autonomous care
- Semi-autonomous care
Health Care Staff
- Nursing Assistant
- Doctor (by appointment)
- Support staff
- Nursing staff
- Massage Therapist
Retirement Home Staff
- Janitor
- Cook
- Owner-occupied
- Pets not allowed
Spoken Languages
- English
- French
Building Features
- Non-combustible frame
- Fuel frame
- Sprinkler System (complete)
- Municipal water system
- Generator
- Smoke detectors
- Smoke alarm
- Carbon monoxide alarm
- Fire alarm detector
- Emergency lighting
- Fire separation
- Accessible to wheelchairs
- Elevator(s)
- Help call system (fixed)
Smoking Policy
- Non-smoking
- Human and attentive residence.
- Lieu enchanteur et paisible!
Residence evolving over time, with a human and lively team. Our objective is and will always be the well-being and safety of our residents!
- MAPAQ permit
- RQRA member
- MSSS Certification - Gouvernement du Québec
J’observe que la vente de la résidence a eu un grand impact sur la qualité des services. Maintenant, la salle commune se trouve à être la salle à manger. Il n’y a nulle part les autres pour se retrouver. Je trouve que ça donne une ambiance d’hôpital.