Centre d'Hébergement St-Frédéric

Private Seniors' Residence (PSR)
The Centre d'Hébergement St-Frederic is a private residence for seniors (RPA). It is located in downtown Drummondville, near the Saint-Frederic Church. The Centre d'Hebergement St-Frederic offers its various services to autonomous, semi-autonomous and non-autonomous retirees, Alzheimer's patients with cognitive loss and those who need a short term stay for convalescence. This private seniors' residence provides residents with a wide range of services, care and recreation to meet their personal needs. The staff at this Drummondville residence is committed to the well-being and safety of residents. The Centre d'Hebergement St-Frederic is a cozy place where you will feel well and rested.
- Retirees
- Independent living
- Convalescence
- Assisted living
- Alzheimer's and Cognitive Losses

Residence units
127 personnes
127 unités RPA
General information
Le studio de 200 pi² est éclairé de lumière naturelle et inclut une salle de bain privée avec barres d’appui, tirettes d’alarme, gicleurs, détecteur de fumée, grand garde-robe, chauffage, eau chaude et électricité. Possibilité de petits électroménagers.
- 3 meals
- 2 snacks
- Private
- Storage room
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- 3 meals
- 2 snacks
- Private
- Furnished
- Storage room
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- 3 meals
- 2 snacks
- Private
- Furnished
- Storage room
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Cablodistribution
General information
36 unités dans le milieu de vie ReconnÊtre
Pour personne en pertes cognitives et Alzheimer. Unité prothétique et sécurisée
- 3 meals
- 2 snacks
- Private
- Storage room
- Bracelet / emergency pull
- Electricity / Heating
- Housekeeping
- Bedding / clothing care
- Cablodistribution
- Help for urinary incontinence
- Personal assistance
- Medication management
- Distribution of medication
- 1 shower / bath per week
- Help with clothing
- Bathing aid
- Daily hygiene
Recreational Activities
- Board games
- Show with special guests
- Soft Gymnastics and Relaxation
- Bingo
- Home theater
- Leasure available
- Miscellaneous activities (according to schedule)
- Recreational room
- Bean Bag Toss
- Card games
- Music therapy
- 2 snacks
- 3 meals a day
- Hair Salon (on site)
- Bedding maintenance
- Housekeeping
- Housekeeping once a week
- Clothing care
- Washing of clothes
- Service to units
- Laundry Service
- A la carte Services
- TV services
- Pastoral/mass
- Pet Therapy
- 24 hours and 7 days permanent security
- Leisure available
- Lift chair
- Outdoor parking
- Grab bars in the hallway
- Swings outside the residence
- Lounge on each floor (fireplace, TV, armchairs, etc.)
- Lounge with glass roof
- Laundry room
- Large terrace on the roof
- Floor with coded door (Risk of wandering)
- Fire Alarm System
- Camera monitoring system
- Security system
- Free laundry
Health Care
- Units of care
- Medication Management
- Distribution of medication
- Medication administration
- Help with clothing
- Helph with bathing
- Help getting up
- Bedtime help
- Help to move around
- Help for urinary incontinence
- Daily Hygiene
- Personal assistance
- Service for resident with a slight loss of autonomy
- Support services for semi-autonomous resident
- Hygiene care
- Medical care
- Invasive care for daily living
- Personalized care
- Personalized care loss of physical autonomy
- Personalized care for retirees with loss of physical and cognitive autonomy (Alzheimer's)
- Autonomous care
- Semi-autonomous care
- Alzheimer's Prosthetic Unit
Health Care Staff
- Beneficiary Attendant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Support staff
- Staff trained in first aid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Nurse
- Zootherapist
Retirement Home Staff
- 24/7 supervisor
- Recreation specialist
- Director
- Cook
- Janitor
- Chef
- Activity coordinator
- Pets not allowed
Spoken Languages
- French
Building Features
- Fuel frame
- Municipal water system
- Smoke detectors
- Smoke alarm
- Carbon monoxide alarm
- Fire alarm detector
- Emergency lighting
- Accessible to wheelchairs
- Elevator(s)
- Help call system (fixed)
- MAPAQ permit
Les résidents sont choyés par le professionnalisme du personnel qui met en avant la rencontre des besoins des résidents et leurs redonne leurs dignités. Un salut particulier aux préposés aux bénéficiaires. Robert Leroux